The Story
One disservice that I think parents tend to do is to not talk with their kids about tragic events or things that might seem like something they don't need to know about.
Kids often ask questions and too often those questions are dodged by parents having the best of intentions.
After talking with the team at Liam's school I wrote a little story about Liam's stroke and his recovery - meant for kids. There's one part I'm not proud of - I don't say that the doctors feel the vaccine caused the stroke. I do not want other parents being upset with me when their child says they don't want a shot! Of course, I could have said Liam had reaction to a medicine...
Anyway, here's a link to the story if you're interested. It would be neat if I had an illustrator and could actually make a book.
Speaking of avoiding topics with kids - have you seen this? It's a post I wrote a long time ago, but one of my favorites.
Labels: childhood stroke, parenting, recovery
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