1. 2. 3. Life in a Small House: Organic, Green, and on a Budget: He Still Loves Firetrucks 4. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 24.

25. 26. He Still Loves Firetrucks 27. 28.


Now that my vaccine post is out of the way, hopefully I'll be getting more regular updates done.

One of my biggest fears right after the stroke was that Liam's personality would change dramatically.

I was wrong. He's still his outgoing, friendly, loving, caring, and sometimes stubborn self. He still loves firemen and wants to be one when he grows up. He still adores his big brother. He still tries to keep up with him. And he's still beyond excited for the arrival of his little brother.

Sure, there are things we struggle with post-stroke, but more and more his personality is making it's appearance and I'm loving it.

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30. 31. 32. Life in a Small House: Organic, Green, and on a Budget: He Still Loves Firetrucks

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

He Still Loves Firetrucks

Now that my vaccine post is out of the way, hopefully I'll be getting more regular updates done.

One of my biggest fears right after the stroke was that Liam's personality would change dramatically.

I was wrong. He's still his outgoing, friendly, loving, caring, and sometimes stubborn self. He still loves firemen and wants to be one when he grows up. He still adores his big brother. He still tries to keep up with him. And he's still beyond excited for the arrival of his little brother.

Sure, there are things we struggle with post-stroke, but more and more his personality is making it's appearance and I'm loving it.

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At October 18, 2012 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love it! And we love Liam!

At October 18, 2012 at 11:56 AM , Blogger Christie said...

So very happy to hear this. Go, Liam!


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